Sunday, March 20, 2005

Why fear vacuity?

Napping in the park. Sunshine syrup when I open my eyes. Greens & grasses seem unreal, melting together with the bird calls & swishing trees.

Can I rest my mind? My body sinks into clover and my lids grow heavy. Can I let go of becoming for a moment and just be? Why should I let a moment of rest confirm my torpidity? A sabbath puts the insatiable quest of younger years to sleep and rebuilds potential energy. So much of my life is kinesthetic, why fear vacuity?

1 comment:

Michael Clifford, L. Ac. said...

Why fear Vacuity ideed? Unless it is Qi Vacuity, but even that is relative, is it not?
It is the melding of the blue and the green, the process, not the product. It is why I seek to be a human BEING not a human doing.

And no I have not found seven cups tea house. Maybe someday if I am lucky I will.
Care for a cup?